Thursday, September 11, 2008


ACCESS, or Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, & Students Statewide, does just that by providing interactive online videoconference labs in which coursework and teachers are made available and shared statewide. For instance, a student enrolled in a school in Tuscaloosa can take a course through a school located in Mobile, through interactive sites that provide audio and visual links connected to a specific course that may not be provided by his/her home school. ACCESS is especially beneficial to schools that have limited higher level courses in that it provides students with access to Advanced Placement and dual enrollment courses.
I think ACCESS would be extremely useful, because it provides additional courses, higher level and elective, to schools that may not have enough funds or teachers to have that class.
ACCESS also provides flexible scheduling and access to basic core courses that allow students to make up credits lost due to course failures or incompletions making it possible to graduate on time. I think this is one of the best things about ACCESS, because it gives students a chance to catch up and complete the class.
ACCESS is beneficial to both students and teachers. Teachers get to collaborate with other teachers from far away schools thus learning various teaching methods and engaging in culturally different school settings. I think the program would help teachers keep students' attention and promote more student involvement, because it is more relevant to their technology-based lives than bookwork.

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